

28/01/13: Agenda updated

Updated my agenda and uploaded a new gig overview.

20/01/13: Gallery uploaded

Uploaded the pictures of 19/01/13 @ Disco Am Daul, Préizerdaul. Also added a few gigs and uploaded a few flyers.

14/01/13: Agenda update

Added a few public gigs: 31.3 - 6.4 - 11.5

13/01/13: Gallery uploaded

Uploaded the pictures of 80's Party @ Dikkricher Stuff.

08/01/13: New look for my homepage and added a few public gigs

After a little more than a year, I made a relook for my homepage ... and added a few new public gigs.

01/01/13: Gallery updated

Added a few pics to the gallery of X-Mas Reloaded Party @ Clervaux (Thanks to rambo.lu).

30/12/12: Agenda update

Updated the agenda by uploading a new overview and a new flyer.

30/12/12: Galleries uploaded

Uploaded the pictures of the gigs on this weekend: 28/12/12 @ Brauerei Clausen and 29/12/12 @ X-Mas Reloaded Clervaux.

23/12/12: Gallery uploaded

Uploaded the pictures of 'Saturday Night Party' on 22/12/12 @ Am Daul.

17/12/12: Equipment update

Added a few new light effects to the equipment section.
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